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Have any question? +1 (816) 6162298 info@romecityinstitute.com
Sport in Society
Your Career starts now
Our 4 years Bachelor of Science degree in Sport in Society is aimed at those students that want to be leaders in the competitive and rushing sports industry. The Sports Industry requires professionals with specific sports management skills combined with an entrepreneurial mindset and deep business and financial understanding. Students acquire specific skills to meet the challenges of this competitive environment through courses in negotiation, sponsorship and broadcasting, among others.
@2024 Ass. Rome City Institute ETS C.F. 96593140583
Experienced Professors
Our professors are sports executives who work in different segments of the sports industry. We want to provide our students with knowledge that comes from real experience.
Our guest speakers are some of the most prominent figures in the sports industry. They add different perspectives and specific notions coming from their successful background.
Getting engaged with real work is an important step of the learning phase. Our students are exposed to group projects, presentations, and internship opportunities
Through this program, students are prepared for diverse roles in the areas of sport marketing and promotions, sales, marketing analysis, and fan behavior along with proficiency in facility and event management and planning, financial management, leadership management, and business planning.
Gain insight and knowledge of new developments in the professional and recreational sports industries and sport management core content areas.
Apply theoretical knowledge to practical business situations, simulated by case studies.
Students will be able to analyze situations and apply the principles of appropriate leadership skills and behaviors related to sport management and sport leadership responsibilities.
Demonstrate awareness of the importance of the legal and ethical requirements of Sport and Recreation Management activities and programming.
Demonstrate an ability to conduct methodological secondary research into Sport and Recreation Management-related issues; requiring familiarity with a range of data, research sources, and appropriate technologies.
Sport Agent
Public Relations Manager
Event Coordinator
Facilities Manager
Social Media Manager
Athletic Director
Account Manager
Business Developer
Are you ready to become a Rome City Lion?
At Rome City we are looking for students who are willing to think outside the box and prepare themself for a professional journey in a rapidly changing world.